As January passes it is important to check your standing charges but not least your Iberdrola bills.
January is when companies in Spain take advantage of the End Of Year to increase their prices. Iberdrola will automatically increase their prices and unless you check you probably wont realise this putting the recent increase in your bill as excessive usage during the cold winter; not so!
Our contract with Iberdrola is Day/Night tariff (info about this is on our site) The contract states that the price of the supply and standing order will remain unchanged for 12 months. Having studied the bill we noticed increases in all aspects of the bill. In the case of the standing charge the increase was a whopping 25%.
Do Something About It
We went to the offices local to us and after speaking with them they agreed the charge was incorrect. Changes were made on the computer and we have been assured that we will not see and increase in our next bill except for the IPC rate ( price index )
We wait to see but there is no reason not to query these increases especially considering prices have fallen not increased and the price index in Spain currently is no more than 1%